Monday, January 4, 2010

By .....Pakistan Christian Post


Christians have been crushed and crippled in Pakistan, Prof. Salamat

Islamabad: January 4, 2010; (PCTV) The Pasdar-e-Pakistan movement is not a political party. It is simply a movement with a vision to –re-establish the Pakistan of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, that is a modern democratic and secular state, where  all the citizen enjoy equal rights and equal responsibilities. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his companions appointed Jogindar Nath Mondal a scheduled cast Hindu as the First President of The  Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. And later on he was made the first law minister of the new state. Dewan Bahadar S. P. Singha was the first speaker of The West Punjab Assembly. Unfortunately after the sad demise of the father of the nation these two great minorities leaders of Pakistan were humiliated and ridiculed. As a deadly one migrated to India and the other faced death. With the passage the fanatic rulers of Pakistan followed a suicidal policy toward the minorities and especially the Christians of Pakistan.

The Pasdar-e-Pakistan   movement organized a seminar in Margalla Hotel, Islamabad on Dec 2, 2010 to highlight the tedious and complicated problem Pakistan is confronted with today and how to secure the bright future of Pakistan under the dynamic leadership of General (Retd.) Pervaiz Musharraf. Muhammad Ali Saif chaired this function and Dr. Sher Afghan Niazi graced the seminar as Chief Guest. 

Hundreds of Christians headed by Prof. Salamat Akhtar, the Central President of Pakistan Masihi Leagure participated in this seminar simply because this movement considers them equal citizens not to speak of the religious political parties even Pakistan People Party, Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan Muslim League (Q), and even Awami National Party  all claim to be liberal, progressive and democratic  parties can not make a Christian as a full fledge member.

Dr. Sher Afghan Niazi, Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif, Major General Rashid Qureshi, Barrister Fawad Chaudry, Sardar Aman, Ms Maria Khakwani where as from minorities side Prof. Salamat Akhtar, James Allah Ditta, Hanook Bhatti, and Akash Raj addressed the people.

Prof. Salamat Akhtar, Presedent of Pakistan Masihi League, established in 1928 as All India Christian League and a  co-creator of Pakistan with All India Muslim League said that in Pakistan the minorities and especially the Christians have been crushed  and crippled. We do not enjoy equal rights in Pakistan even the constitution of Pakistan does not gurrantee us equal rights. All the rulaers in Pakistan have followed a genocidal policy toward the Christians. The leaders who claim that the Christian have equal rights Prof. Salamat Akhtar challenged those political leaders for a dialogue on platform of their own choice

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